Saturday 10 March 2012

HSIE S2: Community

A simple series of lessons on the role of the local council...

English (ESL tutor): using modal verbs. Students ranked the verbs as strong, medium or weak. Teacher pinned a string on the back wall and grouped the words together on a string. Class co-constructed some sentences using pictures on the board and a IWB dice showing different modal verbs - eg. picture of recycling, dice shows 'could.' Students had to make their own sentences using the modal verbs, then cut them up for a friend. Friend had to identify the modal verb as strong, medium or weak and glue them together in their book

Game using verbs. Teacher put up a previously studied passage and drew up a table on the whiteboard: action verbs, thinking verbs, modal verbs, 'to be' verbs.

Google map put up of the local area. Local landmarks noted and sentences written about what people can do there.

Library lesson: Find a picture of Town Hall and local councillors - draw pictures of each and label them.

A poster of what the council does. Powerpoint slides of local council services. small (3x4cm) colour pictures of a range of local council services eg. local swimming pool, parks, road signs, rubbish collection and recycling, preschool, Town Hall. Students begin by choosing three, stick them on their poster and write a caption for each, explaining what it is and who uses it. Heading is Our local council can...

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